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Cincinnati Area Returned Volunteers (CARV) is an active affiliate of the National Peace Corps Association with about 250 members who are Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. We hold bimonthly social events with a speaker (RPCV or community speaker), hold bimonthly business meetings, support local PCVs through the Peace Corps Partnership program, conduct service projects, work closely with the Chicago Regional Peace Corps Office and enjoy joint activities with our fellow RPCVs in the Southwestern Ohio Returned Volunteer Organization (SORVO).


Our Board


Group Leader........... Gayle Linkletter
Treasurer.............. Barry Adamson
Communications......... Susan Robinson
Global Education....... Nick Hoesl
Advocacy............... Open
Service................ Melissa Salamon
Social Activities...... George Fee
At large............... Pam Dixon
At Large............... Jim Robinson


Meet Rich House (Philippines '82 - '84)



Meet Amy Burgess (Figi '06 - '08)

Meet Katie Fogarty (Zambia '04 - '06)

Meet Ken Bordwell (Brazil '66 - '68)

Meet George Fee (Honduras ' 84 - '87)

Become a Member

Join NPCA and CARV to stay connected and support Peace Corps community initiatives! 



We are an affiliate of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).

NPCA is the nonprofit alumni network at the center of a vibrant community of over 220,000 people who share the Peace Corps experience. NPCA champions lifelong commitment to Peace Corps ideals by connecting, engaging and promoting its members and affiliate groups as they continue to make a difference in communities in the U.S. and abroad. NPCA is also dedicated to advocating for, contributing to, and supporting the betterment of the Peace Corps. Visit NPCA to learn more